Fiefia simply means - Happy
That is my feeling these days.
Since my last post I feel like things have taken an up swing.
That last village meeting was hell, but it opened up the doors for better communication. I had another meeting in the office with my crew and some officials in my community. The outcome produced a new format for work. I am no longer responsible for all the work in my village, but am there to facilitate and support my youth. I laid it all out in a spreadsheet and presented it at the next meeting. We assigned youth to take charge of the different activities and I get the feeling that everyone is excited. We'll see how long this lasts :)
I decided I needed to incorporate a little more fun in my life since I was a little stressed out. Last Saturday I went out on a yacht for the day. I drank, ate, swam, and got a little sun. Relaxation in it's purest form. I've also decided to take a little risk and try something that I'm a little scared to do. Tomorrow I start my classes for certification for Scuba Diving. The classes are three days and it is pretty cheap to do it here compared to anywhere else in the world. I'm not putting pressure on myself so if I hate it then I'll stop. But I can't come all the way to Vava'u and not give it a try.
My pig fence is almost complete!!!!
It has only taken what - 3 months?
Maybe I can get a garden started soon.
Other update:
We are having a new mail system here and so although I am not moving, my address is changing. Peace Corps would like it sent right here to Vava'u at a PO Box. I hope this remains to be a semi-smooth process. Anything already sent will still be forwarded to me, so no worries.
Adrianne Pastoor
Peace Corps
P. O. Box 136
Vava'u, Tonga
South Pacific
Thank you all for the pictures and goodies. It helps my mood. I think this is all part of that up swing I was talking about.
Love you,
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