
Uike mamalie

Uike mamalie means slow week.
Not much has gone on, but it's about to pick up speed.

This is a big weekend for my fundraising efforts in Okoa. Due to past cancellations, all the events are scheduled this weekend. Tonight (Friday) is the fundraising concert, which I’m hoping will be a blast. The whole village is suppose to turn up because we are working towards repairing the Village Town Hall. I have my fingers crossed for no last minute cancellations. On Saturday we are having a Kalapu, men contribute money for a night of drinking kava. My youth are also going to be preparing large baskets of food for the men to buy. I somehow was elected the cake baker, but I’m happy to do my part. At least I don’t have to serve the kava, which I hate. I’m hoping this all goes over smoothly.
I’m just happy my youth are working so hard.

I went on an adventure trip to the hospital the other day to visit my homestay Aunt, Mele, who has some heart problems. I’m so glad we have a Peace Corps Medical Officer to turn to in times of sickness. That hospital is a little scary. I hope I never have an emergency and need to be taken there. I’ve noticed that my cuts and scrapes don’t heal as well here as they did back home. I’m going to have a lot more scars when I return home. They will just add to the memories.

I’m planning a trip to Samoa next month because it is time for some mental relaxation. Besides that nothing much is new.

‘Ofa atu,


At 8:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahh its so good to catch up with you. I am reminded of the contrast between us keeping up in this high-tech way. I sometimes feel that I am a fantastic writer, in theory, where I enjoy your writing's reality far better. Im gonna write new, ghood songs now, I love you miss you and I saw a weirder article that took place in the 70's, you know that one?


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