
Holiday Greetings

Over the river and through the woods with not a drop of snow in sight.
Dad drove the Trooper, while Mom complained in a stupor
and Tevita and I yelled Hey Hey.
Once in the warmth and surrounded by family all became okay.
Christmas was a delight and so very bright with laughter that will last until May.

Once back in Cincinnati a gathering did occur at Adrianne and Tevita’s abode.
The celebration didn’t end with Marin searching for packages with M
and delicious food a fire.
The joy of family makes Christmas a treat to everyone that share in its belief.
So good wishes to all during this holiday season and I hope your spirits are higher.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year



I’m totally enjoying this holiday season.
Normally I hear much criticism about how the holiday music starts earlier and earlier every year and about the headaches caused by the pressure of gift giving, but I’m just taking it all in with a smile on my face.
I’ve realized it’s all perspective and self-inflicted pressure so I’ve vowed to chill this season and enjoy time with family.

The cold however has been a bit of a challenge for me, so I’m lucky it’s been mild this winter. But if the wind is going to blow and freeze my thighs when walking then we might as well have the snow to help decorate the landscape. Mother nature is doing her thing and I will continue to wait patiently until spring.

Tuesday we spent the evening at the Cyclones hockey game. Although the crowd was minimal we had a blast taking in the atmosphere. I think Tevita has found a new sport that he loves. It’s fast paced and skilled with a touch of violence – perfect for the rugby loving man.

By the way – Shang is healthy and happy.
This week he turns 10 years old!!!

Enjoy the week.



Beginning of Traditions

Years past and living alone I was not keen on getting a Christmas tree. It just seemed like a lot of work and effort for only myself. Now being married I decided I wanted to start a new tradition with Tevita so we went and cut down our own Christmas tree. To us the perfect tree had to have a little character so we decided on a little Charlie Brown tree.

Dad completed his fatherly duty by strapping the tree to the roof (Or - first trying and then asking someone else to do it). But as you can see the results were first-rate as we drove home.

My little guy is sick this week after having a large abscess removed on Monday. We are waiting for test results and hoping for the best. He is my heart.
